MAT for Addiction Treatment

MAT for addiction treatment

What is MAT for addiction treatment? Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) is a technique used by therapists to help people overcome opioid, heroin, or prescription painkiller addiction. It pays to understand more about the MAT program, its effectiveness, and how a doctor can tailor it to fit your addiction’s unique needs. Here at TruHealing Reidsville – Reidsville, […]

Methadone Treatment

methadone treatment

The use of methadone treatment in the management of severe opioids withdrawal symptoms has been around since the 1960s. Other than treating addiction to opioids, methadone can also ease withdrawal from prescription painkillers and heroin. Methadone is an opiate; hence it can be addictive. However, its addiction is not as dangerous when compared to illicit […]

The Stigma Surrounding Medication-Assisted Treatment for Heroin Addiction

medication assisted treatment for heroin addiction

For approximately 50 years, medication-assisted treatment for heroin addiction has been part of recovery practices. Despite its decades of use and success, there is still a stigma surrounding this treatment during recovery. Not only do some believe that individuals are no fully-recovered, but they believe that could lead to the need for a separate medication-assisted […]

Understanding the Difference Between Opiates and Opioids

difference between opiates and opioids

Many of us hear about opioids when watching the news and a story about the opioid crisis in America airs. During these stories, as well as other conversations, you might also hear about opiates. While we often hear these words interchangeably, there are some key differences. That is where much confusion occurs regarding these drugs. […]

Understanding the Signs of Opiate Addiction in a Loved One

signs of opiate addiction

Are you noticing changes in your loved one’s behavior that does not match their typical mannerisms? Does their mood seem off, or are they doing things they normally would not? While it might be challenging to pinpoint what is happening, it is worth paying attention to these concerns. Listening to your instincts when you see […]

Benefits of Medication Assisted Treatment for Opioid Addiction

medication assisted treatment for opioid addiction 2

We learn from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that, during 2018, an average of 41 people died due to overdosing on prescription opioids. Data collected by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) indicate that, between 2011 and 2014, over 200,000 abused or were dependent on opioids within the past […]